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Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

Signs That Your Electrical Panel is Outdated

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Your electrical panel is perhaps one of the most important components of your home. It helps to manage power leading to all different outlets and appliances. If your house is older, there’s a good chance that your electrical panel is older, too. If so, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel to a newer model that can handle modern technology.

You can keep reading to learn more about when to call for a total replacement or electrical panel repair in Eugene, OR. Then give our team a call to schedule your service. We can assess your electrical panel and help you determine what your next steps are.

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3 Reasons to Get That Ceiling Fan Fixed

Monday, June 5th, 2023

If you have a ceiling fan that is on the fritz and not working as it should, you may be tempted to ignore the problem. After all, if your home is comfortable, do you really need a ceiling fan? The short answer is yes. 

When you schedule ceiling fan repair with our team, we can get your ceiling fan back to working like it’s brand new so you can reap the many benefits. Still not sold on fixing your ceiling fan? Keep reading to learn more about how fixing your ceiling fan can make a positive difference in your home.

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6 Signs It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, January 16th, 2023

You probably don’t give your electrical panel much thought. The only time you need to use it is if you need to flip a circuit breaker because one of your appliances overloads the panel, and hopefully, that’s not often. But the electrical panel is the heart of the energy operations for your entire home. It can impact how well your appliances work, and you want to make sure that it is in the best condition possible.

If you think it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade in Eugene, give our team a call. If you’re not sure how to tell when it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade, you can keep reading to learn more. Your electrical panel may have one or many signs that it’s time for an upgrade. Our team can visit your home for an assessment and give you our recommendation for making the upgrade.

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Signs That You Need to Call an Electrician

Monday, July 4th, 2022

two-electricians-working-on-panelHomeowners don’t tend to think about their electrical system a whole lot… unless they’re installing something that requires wiring. The truth is though, even just the addition of more electronics or appliances to your home can be the reason you call an electrician. Or if you notice things like lights flickering or hot switches in the house. We’re going to talk about these signs and more below.

If you notice any strange symptoms, or if you’re about to have another big appliance or electronic installed, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel. Read on to learn more!

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Surge Protection Isn’t Just Storm Protection: What You Need to Know!

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

plug-with-spark-coming-outWe’ve often found that when homeowners hear the term “surge protection” they think “storm protection.” In other words, they think that the only time a powerful surge of voltage can occur in their electrical system is when there is a lightning storm going on and power lines are affected. And it’s true: power surges can and do occur during storms. However, what’s a lot more likely is that power surges occur when you use your heavy-duty electrical appliances!

This includes your air conditioner, heating system, dishwasher, and more. These appliances have the ability to send a high wave of voltage through your electrical system—and the damage they do isn’t instantaneous, so you may not even notice it at first. It slowly degrades the wiring and electrical components, including the circuit boards, of other electrical devices in the home—which can include phone chargers, entertainment systems, speakers, kitchen appliances, and more.

At this point you might be wondering, “Okay so can I just use power strips throughout my home?” You could, but this might not be sufficient. Read on to learn more!

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Have You Had a Whole House Generator Installed Yet?

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

whole-house-generator-on-side-of-homeAs most homeowners are aware, portable generators are relatively convenient, but can be a hassle and also present a bit of a safety risk. They run on gasoline and release large amounts of carbon monoxide (and so should never be used in an enclosed space such as your garage). They can also be prohibitively inefficient when you consider the cost of fuel. Plus, the generator itself is not exactly cheap for a low return on investment.

But we’re not really here to talk about everything wrong with a portable system. Rather, we want to talk about what’s right with a whole-house generator! There are a number of great benefits to using a whole house generator, which we’ll get into below. Read on!

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What Types of Electrical Outlets Should Be Installed Where in Your Home?

Monday, October 25th, 2021

gfci-outletThe electrical system of your household is one of the most important parts of your household. Pretty much all of your appliances require this system to function. Even gas-powered equipment typically has an electric starter or ignition. So if your electrical system is struggling, you can experience all kinds of problems within your living space.

Safety is also a concern when your electrical system isn’t functioning correctly. Electrical issues of any type could pose a serious risk to your household and family members. Electrocution is a real threat, which brings us to our blog topic today. We want to ensure that you have the right outlets in place! Read on to learn more about GFCI and AFCI outlets.

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How to Best Prevent Electrical Problems

Monday, October 11th, 2021

cord-being-plugged-in-with-sparksHow much time do you think you spend considering electrical safety? If you’re like the average homeowner, probably not much. However, this is one of those things you want to think about every now and then. And if you’ve come across this blog post, it probably means it’s something you’re thinking about right now!

Many homeowners think their living space is free from electrical hazards as long as they aren’t experiencing full-on blackouts or electrical fires. But small electrical problems left unmanaged can turn into bigger problems that will cause blackouts or electrical fires. And this is what we would like to help you avoid.

Any time you need reliable and safe electrical services, our team is the one to turn to. Electrical work should only be left to trained professionals to prevent injury to you or anyone in your family. Our professionals are aware of current building codes and we understand what it takes to do electrical work to the highest standards. Read on to learn a couple of the best practices in preventing electrical problems.

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Fun and Useful Electrical Upgrades to Consider This Summer

Monday, July 19th, 2021

string-of-outdoor-lights-turned-onWhen it comes to both protecting your household and keeping your family comfortable, one of the most important aspects of your home is its electrical system. Properly caring for this system and knowing when to call for repairs or an electrical panel upgrade (which we’ll talk about below) are essential to a hazard-free home. The good news is, there are some electrical upgrades you can make that are not only quite useful, but can be fun too!

Don’t forget, however, you always need a professional electrician for any work involving your home’s wiring. This is the law, first off—there are certain municipal building codes we have to abide by. Then there is your safety to consider, and the integrity of your property.

With that said and without further ado, here are some upgrades you might want to consider this summer. We’ll start with the fun ones!

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Could Your Home Use an Electrical Upgrade?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

electrical-wiring-and-outlet-coverThe electrical panel of your home, also referred to as the circuit breaker panel, is tasked with keeping your household’s entire electrical system running smoothly and safely throughout the years. You probably don’t think about this home component very much—unless you have to constantly reset breakers. But because of this, problems can crop up without you knowing about it until it results in an outage or some other more serious problem.

If you’ve lived in your home for 25+ years and have never had an electrical inspection done, now is the time. Older electrical panels require professional care and attention to make sure that they are not operating in a way that could threaten your home or your family’s safety. If you do find that you have an urgent electrical problem, we’re the team to call. However, we’d like to help you avoid electrical problems altogether, and for that reason, we’ve put together these signs for you:

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