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Posts Tagged ‘Salem’

Why Is My AC So Noisy During Cooling Cycles?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Sometimes air conditioners operate louder than they should. This may be a specific problem that needs to be addressed, but sometimes certain air conditioning units are simply louder than others. The good news is, you can do something about it either way.

Reading to learn more about how air conditioning repair in Salem can help with a noisy air conditioner. We can also offer other solutions if your AC is operating perfectly normally albeit louder than you would like. 

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How Do You Choose a New Air Conditioner When the Time Comes?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If it is nearing time for you to replace your current air conditioner with a newer model, you may feel overwhelmed by the options available–but that is what our team is here for. We are the experts at air conditioning installation in Salem and we can answer all of your questions.

Just keep reading to learn more about some of the important factors to consider when choosing a new air conditioner. Then give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment where we can review the details with you and help you select the perfect solution for your family.

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Remember to Change the Air Filter!

Monday, February 12th, 2024

One of the easiest and yet also most important things you can do for your home’s HVAC system is to change out the air filter on time each month. You may be thinking that leaving it in place for a few extra days or even a week or two longer may not make a huge difference, but it really can.

A dirty air filter can have such a negative impact that it leaves you calling for Salem heating repair. You can keep reading to learn more about the importance of an HVAC air filter, why you need to change it out regularly, and what happens when you don’t. 

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5 Maintenance Tips for Ductless Systems

Monday, December 4th, 2023

You know about monthly maintenance for a more traditional whole house air conditioner, but what about a ductless system? Ductless heaters need the same type of maintenance. However, since you have individual units in each room of your home, you may end up completing a little more maintenance than you would otherwise.

This includes scheduling professional maintenance for your ductless heating in Salem. In fact, you should schedule professional service twice each year since your ductless system is both an air conditioner and heater, operating all year round without a break. You can keep reading to learn more about homeowner maintenance steps that you can complete to take excellent care of your ductless heater.

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Is It Finally Time to Go Tankless?

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If you have a tank water heater and it is time to invest in a replacement, you may be considering a tankless option instead. Both units have their own unique pros and cons. It really just depends on your family’s unique needs when it comes to hot water.

When you’re ready to schedule water heater installation in Salem, you can give our team a call to make an appointment. You can also keep reading to learn more about the differences between tank and tankless water heaters so you can decide if a tankless water heater is right for you.

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How Long Does a Furnace Installation Usually Take?

Monday, May 8th, 2023

If you are investing in a furnace replacement this spring, you may have questions about the installation process. Installing a new furnace in the spring is a great idea because the system has time to settle in before the heavy-use seasons in fall and winter.

The good news is, our team are experts at furnace installation in Salem. We are answering all of your questions about furnace installation below, including how long the process takes. It’s great to have an understanding of what to expect during furnace installation so you are prepared the day of. Keep reading to learn more about how long furnace installation can take and what factors influence the timeline.  

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Why Your Heat Pump Needs Two Tune-Ups Each Year

Monday, November 21st, 2022

We talk a lot about scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system and plumbing, but there are other appliances in your home that require maintenance, too. Most of your home’s systems only need maintenance once per year. But if you have a heat pump you need maintenance twice per year. 

That’s because your heat pump is working all year round without a break to both heat and cool your home. If you’re interested in heat pump maintenance in Salem, our team is here to help. We can even help you schedule your upcoming heat pump tune-up for the next six months so you don’t forget to do it. If you want to learn more about why heat pumps need maintenance twice as often, just keep reading. 

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The Benefits of a Whole-Home Air Purifier

Monday, October 10th, 2022

woman-comfortable-on-her-couch-leaning-back-with-closed-eyesWhen you step outside and take a deep breath you may think to yourself, ahhhh, fresh air! We often associate the outdoors with fresh air that’s full of oxygen that keeps us healthy. But the air is also full of allergens and contaminants, too. No matter where you are, there is some combination of pollen, mold, and other particles in the air.

When you’re inside, it’s even worse. You carry in germs like viruses and bacteria that then circulate through your air and even multiply and spread. Your HVAC system has an air filter, but it can only do so much to filter out these contaminants. But an air purifier can make a huge difference in your home’s indoor air quality. If you’re interested in air purifiers in Salem, OR, our team can help.

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Why You Should Hire a Pro for Your AC Installation 

Monday, September 26th, 2022

While it may surprise you, some homeowners think that AC installation is a DIY project. There are many home improvement projects you can do yourself, but AC installation isn’t one of them. In fact, for your AC unit to be up to code you have to use an expert professional with the correct certifications for handling electrical work. 

Plus, a professional ensures that the job is done right the first time. If you need AC installation in Salem, OR, give our team a call. We can talk you through the installation process and schedule a free consultation. After that, we can offer options and help you choose the best AC that fits your family’s needs. In the meantime, you can read on to learn why professional installation is so important. 

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Signs That You Need to Call an Electrician

Monday, July 4th, 2022

two-electricians-working-on-panelHomeowners don’t tend to think about their electrical system a whole lot… unless they’re installing something that requires wiring. The truth is though, even just the addition of more electronics or appliances to your home can be the reason you call an electrician. Or if you notice things like lights flickering or hot switches in the house. We’re going to talk about these signs and more below.

If you notice any strange symptoms, or if you’re about to have another big appliance or electronic installed, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel. Read on to learn more!

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