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Is It Too Late to Talk about Furnace Maintenance?

technician-inspecting-and-maintaining-gas-furnaceIt may seem strange to talk about furnace maintenance when our heating systems have already gotten their heaviest use for the year over the past several months. And it’s true, the ideal time to schedule this service is in the early Fall, before you need the system the most.

But unless your furnace has completely broken down to the point that you cannot use it at all and repairs would be fruitless, it’s not too late to have your heater maintained. And considering we experience cooler temperatures throughout the year, it’s never a bad idea to have maintenance done if it’s been a year or longer since your last tune-up!

We get that this may seem like a hassle, but trust us when we say that furnace maintenance makes a huge difference in not only your comfort but your energy bills, too. Keep reading for a few of the biggest benefits of scheduling furnace maintenance now.

Improved Comfort

What’s the one thing you couldn’t have gone without this past winter? We’re going to guess your answer might be “warmth.” Imagine coming inside from a cold evening and expecting to be greeted with heat from your furnace, but instead just meeting a drafty chill. This is what can happen if your heater isn’t well-maintained.

The thing is, a poorly maintained furnace has a greater chance of experiencing repair needs that go unnoticed. One of the steps we take during maintenance is checking for signs of wear and any indication that a component needs replacement, adjustment, or general repair. Skipping maintenance means that problems can grow for months without you realizing until you’re faced with a complete furnace failure.

Better Efficiency

A well-maintained heating system is an efficient heating system! This is because your furnace maintenance helps us to work out all the minor problems that may exist within your system before they become a major problem, as we alluded to above.

Maintenance is needed to keep your furnace in top shape. Furnaces experience natural wear and tear throughout the years, but regular maintenance slows that process down and helps your system to work more efficiently—therefore costing you less to run the system from month to month.

Longer Lifespan

Your heater is one of your biggest home investments. Your HVAC use can actually account for 50% of your energy costs throughout the year. Therefore, you want your heater to last a long time, right? The average heater lasts about 10-15 years. That is if it’s well-maintained.

By letting wear and tear get the best of a system, you may find yourself needing a furnace replacement in half that time. What happens is that a small repair issue has a domino effect on the rest of the system, and creates more and more operational problems throughout the year. But with maintenance, you can ensure a longer lifespan and prevent up to 85% of the repair needs that furnace may ever have!

Reach out to Comfort Flow Heating today for quality maintenance and expert furnace repairs in Salem, OR.

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