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Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Salem OR Furnace Tip: Air Duct Tips That Help Improve Furnace Performance

Monday, April 8th, 2013

You rely on your Salem, OR furnace to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the heating season. Improving furnace performance requires ensuring that all the components and mechanisms are working together, including the extensive ductwork that brings heated air throughout your home. If you’re looking to improve your furnace performance, then you cannot neglect your air ducts, which, when faulty or damaged, can be responsibly for up to a third of your heating loss. We’ve compiled a list of air duct tips that we think may help your home heating system. For more information about how your ductwork impacts your energy efficiency, or to schedule a Salem furnace service, call the experts at Comfort Flow Heating today!

  • Seal air leaks. Schedule a professional duct sealing service in order to eliminate any air leaks in your ductwork. Air leaks not only reduce heated airflow, they also cause your system to work harder, thus increasing the amount of energy consumed. It’s important to take care of any air leaks promptly so that they do not affect your heating system. Despite its name, duct tape is not recommended, so make sure to hire a pro for professional mastic sealing.
  • Clean your ducts. Routine duct cleaning ensures that your heated air is unobstructed in its flow from air handler to living space. Over time, your ducts can accumulate dust, mold, and other debris, inhibiting airflow and reducing the quality of your indoor air. By having your ductwork regularly inspected and cleaned, you can ensure that your ducts do not get in the way of your high efficiency heater.
  • Duct insulation. Talk to your local professional about whether duct insulation would be right for your home. If your ductwork runs through your attic, crawlspace or basement, it may be subject to heat loss when it comes into contact with unheated spaces. Also, make sure that your home is properly insulated (especially the attic) to maximize your heating performance.

An effective and efficient furnace is paramount during the heating season. Make sure your home is warm and comfortable by scheduling a duct inspection, cleaning, or sealing. For Salem, OR furnace services, call Comfort Flow Heating today!

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Salem OR Heating FAQ: How Can Duct Cleaning Improve Heating Efficiency?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

During the heating season, many homeowners focus as much on the efficiency of their home heating system as the effectiveness with which it heats their home. With energy prices as high as they are, it is no wonder that so many people are so concerned with their heating system’s energy efficiency. There are many ways in which you can improve the energy efficiency of your heating system. In some cases, professional duct cleaning may be the solution you are looking for. If you are interested in scheduling professional duct cleaning service, call the Salem, OR duct cleaning technicians at Comfort Flow Heating.

There are a great number of factors that may affect the condition within your air ducts. Because we do not often have cause to inspect the interior of our ductwork, many homeowners do not even realize that there is a problem. If dirt, dust and other debris is allowed to accumulate in your ductwork, though, it can lead to a number of different problems, including reduced efficiency.

If there is excessive dirt and dust in your ductwork, your air filters are more likely to clog up. This can increase the airflow resistance within your ductwork. Your heating system will need to work harder to keep your home warm and to distribute heated air in this situation. That means that more energy will be needed to do so. The more energy your heater uses, the more money you will wind up paying to operate it.

When your air ducts are dirty, the condition of your heating equipment itself is put at risk. The air filter installed in your heating system by the factory is intended more to protect your heating equipment than to boost air quality. If dirt and dust is allowed to accumulate on the components of your heating system, its performance may be compromised. This can lead to reduced efficiency levels.

The Salem heating professionals at Comfort Flow Heating are available to answer all your questions about duct cleaning services. Contact Comfort Flow Heating today to learn more. We can help you keep your home warm and cozy in a more efficient, affordable manner.

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Salem OR Heating Tip: Common heating repairs

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Here in Oregon we all need our heating systems to work well to keep us comfortable during the cold winter months. Because of all the use that your heating system gets over the course of the year it will likely run into problems. When that happens contact the Salem, OR heating experts at Comfort Flow Heating. We have years of experience working with all kinds of heating systems and wanted to share some of the most common heating repairs that we see so that you can keep an eye out for them.

Not Enough Heating

Probably one of the most common Salem, OR heating repairs that we see is insufficient heating. This can be caused by a faulty thermostat that is causing your heating system not to deliver enough heat into your home. This can also be caused by a clogged air filter which could be restricting the flow of air into your home. There are a number of other problems that could be keeping your home from getting warm enough. Call the Salem, OR heating technicians at Comfort Flow if you have this issue.

Heating System Making Strange Noises

Is your heating system making a squealing noise? This is most likely caused by a worn out fan belt that just needs to be replaced or oiled. Contact the Salem heating professionals at Comfort Flow for all your heating repairs. Other common heating noises are rumbling and rattling. Rattling in a furnace can sometimes indicate that you have a carbon monoxide leak. Make sure you keep an ear open for any new or unusual noises coming from your heating system.

Change the Air Filter

By far the most common cause of heating issues is a clogged air filter. The air filter in your furnace or heat pump is there to keep dust and dirt from getting into the moving parts of your heating system. If it isn’t changed regularly it can get clogged and cause big problems. A clogged air filter can cause insufficient heat, overheating, cracked heat exchangers and more.

For all your Salem, OR heating repair, contact Comfort Flow today.

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Salem OR Heating FAQ: Why Should I Have My Furnace Maintained?

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Furnace maintenance should be a year-round task. Even as we exit the heating season in Salem, OR, we still need to make sure our furnace runs efficiently and effectively. We make sure to clean our homes regularly, and take our car for routine tune-ups. The same rules apply to furnace. They need to be cared for; in turn, they will give you reliable heat when you need it most. We often hear the question, “Why should I have my furnace maintained?” when we talk about our comprehensive furnace services. We’d like to run you through the benefits. For Salem heating service, call Comfort Flow Heating today!

  • Energy efficiency. The AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating of your furnace depends upon its cleanliness. If there are dust, debris, and water leaks in and around your furnace, you simply won’t get the same type of efficiency. Efficiency measures the heating output against the amount of fuel input. A dirty furnace will almost always cost more to operate.
  • System life. Letting dirt and debris buildup in and around your furnace also allows it to spread into other areas of your system. It can lead to increased air filter replacement, increased grime in your ductwork, and can also begin to obstruct moving parts in your blower motor. While furnaces are generally sturdy machines, lack of maintenance depreciate the value of your system over time. Cleaning is not only about reducing dirt, but also securing part of your home investment.
  • Indoor air quality. Although your air filter is designed to prevent the passage of pollutants and debris into your living spaces, a dirty furnace only exacerbates the risk of contamination. You will have to replace your air filter more often, and a frequently clogged filter can reduce its ability to prevent dust, pollen, dander, and other foreign materials from entering your ductwork.

Furnaces need to be maintained in order to operate correctly. Consider scheduling routine biannual or annual inspections and tune-ups for your furnace and cooling systems. This will not only help your system to heat more effectively and efficiently, it will also give you some peace of mind knowing that your heating is in the hands of a professional. For Salem, OR heating maintenance, call Comfort Flow Heating today!

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Salem OR Heating FAQ: Should I Cover the Outdoor Unit of My Heat Pump When It’s Raining?

Monday, March 11th, 2013

At Comfort Flow Heating, our Salem heating technicians get a lot of questions about heat pumps and how to maintain them. One of the questions we get often is about covering the outdoor unit of a heat pump when it is raining. The simple answer to whether or not you should cover it is “no,” but there are many reasons for this. This week, the Salem, OR heating experts have put together a blog post answering why covering the outdoor unit of your heat pump is unnecessary and can actually harm the system.

Proper airflow is important for several reasons. Maintaining efficiency and ensuring that the compressor of your heat pump doesn’t have to work too hard to heat or cool your home. When the compressor is under excessive stress, it can wear out more quickly, which can cause equipment failure and other issues. Covering your outdoor unit would prevent airflow and be counterproductive to the maintenance of your entire heat pump system.

Not only can it harm the system, but covering the outdoor unit of the heat pump is also unnecessary. Heat pumps are made with durable materials that are designed to withstand even the harshest weather. However, it is also important to make sure that your outdoor unit is clean so that dirt and debris do not get inside the components and harm the system. Keeping it clean will help ensure airflow, as will making sure there aren’t any bushes, tall grass, or other yard debris hindering proper airflow.

If you would like to know more about how to maintain your heat pump, or if you need to schedule a heating service in the Salem, OR area, call Comfort Flow Heating today!

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Springfield OR Geothermal: What are the Cost Benefits of Installing a New Geothermal System

Monday, February 25th, 2013

Homeowners in Springfield, OR are always looking for new, more efficient ways to keep their homes comfortable. If you are interested in a more environmentally friendly, efficient and very effective way to keep your home comfortable throughout the year, call the heating and cooling experts at Comfort Flow Heating. Our professional Springfield OR heating technicians have the information and advice you need to decide if a geothermal heating and cooling system is right for you. Contact us today for more information about the many benefits of a geothermal installation in Springfield, OR.

While the environmental benefits of geothermal technology are commendable, the cost benefits are what many homeowners are especially interested in. A geothermal heating and cooling system uses a heat pump in order to keep your home comfortable. Heat pumps, unlike traditional heating and cooling systems, do not consume fuel in order to heat and cool your home. Rather, they transfer preexisting heat from the ground in order to do so. During the heating season heat is transferred into your home to keep it warm. In the summer months heat is transferred out of your house to keep it cool and comfortable.

While heat pumps in general are renowned for their efficiency, geothermal heating and cooling systems are truly in a class of their own. Because they are buried beneath the ground or submerged under water, geothermal loop systems draw heat from a pretty constant environment. They are not subject to the fluctuations in temperature that air source heat pumps are. This consistency means that you can both rely on the steady performance of your geothermal system and that you will enjoy pretty constant efficiency. Your geothermal system will not require more energy to perform its function on cold winter nights or hot summer days.

There is no way to put an exact dollar amount on the cost benefits of a geothermal heat pump installation. You can be sure, though, that a geothermal system will help you heat and cool your home in a more efficient manner. Do not be deterred by the initial investment. With a highly efficient performance you can offset that upfront cost in long term energy savings. Contact Comfort Flow heating today to schedule geothermal installation in Springfield.

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Springfield OR Geothermal Tip: When to Call for a Geothermal Repair

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Comfort Flow Heating can help you out with all your Springfield, Oregon geothermal needs, including maintenance and repair. We’ve put together a few of the more common repair needs for geothermal systems. Call us if you are having any type of problem with your geothermal heat pump system.

Geothermal Loop Field Repair

The loop fields that are buried either horizontally or vertically under the ground outside your home contain a mixture of water and refrigerant. They can develop leaks over time, or because of extreme weather conditions. Improper installation is another potential cause of leaks in the underground pipes for your geothermal heating and cooling system. If you are having trouble maintaining comfortable temperatures, or you notice a lack of hot water with geothermal water heaters, there could be a leak in the loop field system. Call a geothermal repair technician if you are having these issues.

Geothermal Heat Pump Repair

If you are having trouble with your geothermal heat pump, there could be any number of causes. First, check the settings and the thermostat. Make sure your heat pump is in the heating mode and that your thermostat is on the temperature that you want your home.  Call a Springfield OR heating technician or check your owner’s manual if you aren’t sure how to operate your heat pump or thermostat.

Routine Maintenance and Changing Air Filters

Most heat pump systems, including geothermal heat pumps, will require air filter changes at least once a month. You may have a removable one that can be cleaned and replaced, so be sure to check it often. A dirty air filter can restrict the airflow and reduce the efficiency and the heating or cooling output. You may also need a routine tune-up, so schedule one as soon as you can if you haven’t done so.

Call the Springfield, OR geothermal specialists at Comfort Flow Heating for all your geothermal repair and maintenance needs. Contact Comfort Flow Heating today!

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Springfield OR Heating Repair FAQ: How to Prevent Repairs

Monday, February 4th, 2013

At Comfort Flow we believe that every single one of our valued clients deserves to be comfortable on even the coldest days and nights of the year. When your heater is not working properly, though, that can be a real challenge. No heating system is perfect, and the occasional heating repair service is to be expected. That being said, many homeowners in Springfield, OR fail to schedule heating repair services when they are needed, and this leads to bigger, more complex problems. Here is some information about heating repair service for you to consider. Remember, when you need heating repairs in Springfield, contact Comfort Flow.

A lot of homeowners either put off heating repairs because they think that a problem is too minor or they simply fail to realize that there is a problem which requires repair service. Do not let this happen in your home. The longer a necessary repair is neglected the more wear and tear is going to be put on your home heating system. This will affect the efficiency with which your furnace operates, costing you more money than it should to heat your home. It will also lead to bigger, more expensive damages down the road. But how do you know when to schedule heating repair service?

Pay attention to the information that your heater gives you. Keep an eye on your home heating bills. Have they been rising despite the fact that you have not changed your heating practices? If so there is a problem causing that inefficiency.

Any reduction in performance also merits a call to your Springfield heating service provider. If your heater is running longer than usual or taking longer to bring temperatures up it may be in need of professional heating repair services. The sooner these repairs are professionally handled the less serious they are likely to be.

For more information about scheduling heating repair service in Springfield, OR, call Comfort Flow today. We want to help you heat your home more efficiently and reliably. Contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We have the answers to any questions that you may have.

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Springfield Heating FAQ: Common Heating Repairs

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Do you have a heating repair? Call the Springfield heating repair technicians at Comfort Flow. It’s important to call for repairs as you notice any issues with your heater. This helps prevent further damage or other problems. That’s why it’s also important to know some of the more common heating repairs and the warning signs of each.

Many common issues can be resolved by a simple repair or adjustment; however, it’s always best to call your heating contractor whenever you have problems. To help you out, we’ve put together a short list of potential problems and how they are repaired.

We get many calls about gas furnaces with a pilot light that won’t light or stay lit. There could be many causes, but any issues with a pilot light should be taken care of by a heating professional trained to work with gas systems. A delayed start is usually indicated by a loud bang or explosion noise. This is a safety concern and should be addressed before the problem gets worse. Other pilot light issues could be that there’s a draft in the ventilation system or a bad igniter.

If you are having problems with your heat pump, always check to make sure that it is plugged in all the way, and that it is on the right settings. If you aren’t getting enough heat, check the thermostat. Make sure you know what setting to put your thermostat on. Also check the fuse box for a flipped switch if the heat pump isn’t turning on at all.

Contact Comfort Flow today for all heating repairs in Springfield OR.

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Springfield Heating FAQ: Heating Options in Springfield

Monday, January 21st, 2013

When you live in Springfield, OR, a good heating system is absolutely necessary to make sure that you stay comfortable during the winter. But which system is best for your home and for your personal preference. At Comfort Flow, we wanted to help out our local customers by putting together a quick guide about some of the more popular heating systems in Springfield, OR. If you have any questions about heating systems and which one is best for your home, just call your local Springfield heating contractor.

Traditional Furnaces and Boilers

The furnace and the boiler are two of the most popular heating system in the United States. They provide comfortable heat and are relatively efficient systems – especially if you bought yours less than 5 years ago. Furnaces are generally less expensive up front but can sometimes cause indoor air quality issues because they blow air around your home. Boilers are usually more expensive to install but offer comfortable radiant heat.

Heat Pumps in Springfield, OR

Heat pumps are a tremendously efficient way to heat your home. As a bonus, they also offer cooling for your home during the summer. Heat pumps are very efficient heating systems because they don’t actually consume any fuel to heat your home: they just move heat around. In heating mode, they collect heat from the outside air and move it into your home. However, during very cold winters, this can potentially be a problem when there is very little heat in the air. During those times, a back-up heating system is usually required.

Geothermal Heating and Air Conditioning Systems in Springfield, OR

Geothermal heating and AC systems are basically a heat pump. But unlike an air-source heat pump, geothermal systems use the energy stored in the ground to heat and cool your home. Geothermal systems required a large series of pipes to be buried in the ground and filled with refrigerant. In heating mode, the pipes gather heat stored in the earth and use it to heat your home. In cooling mode they do just the opposite: heat is removed from your home and deposited into the ground. These are very efficient systems that are able to take advantage of renewable energy in the earth.

When you need any kind of heating services, from heating installation to heating repairs, call Comfort Flow. We have experience working with all types and brands of heating systems in Springfield, OR.

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