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Is Your Air Conditioner Dying? 4 Ways to Tell

question-mark-badgeNo machine lasts forever, no matter how sturdily it’s constructed or how well it’s cared for. Your household air conditioner has a limited lifespan, and when it approaches the end of it, it’s a wise idea to have the system replaced before it suffers from a total breakdown. You’ll end up trapped on a hot day (because that’s the most likely time for system stress to cause a failure) with no immediate relief in sight as you scramble to schedule new AC installation. And during those final months—or perhaps years—of the dying AC’s lifespan, it will waste money through inefficient operation.

We want to help you diagnose when an air conditioning system is on life support. This way you can arrange for a convenient replacement, prevent an emergency loss of cooling, and begin saving money with a fresh system with superior energy efficiency.

4 Signs of a Dying Air Conditioner

These are guidelines. If you want a professional opinion regarding whether it’s time for a new air conditioning installation in Eugene, OR, contact our professionals and they’ll be glad to assist.

ONE: Basic Age

The manufacturer of your AC sets a service life estimate for it; usually this is the period the warranty covers. In general, a central air conditioner that undergoes moderate use—standard for an Oregon summer—will last from 10 to 15 years. Any system over 15 years is recommended for a replacement.

TWO: Constant noisy operation

One of the goals of cooling system manufacturing is to design systems that operate as quietly as possible. So when you start to really notice noise coming from the AC, it means something is wrong. One peculiar noise probably warns of a repair issue. But general grinding and clanging means a system where everything is wearing down—and it’s time for a new system.

THREE: Rising utility bills in summer

An AC that receives regular annual maintenance should retain 95% of its energy efficiency rating through its service life. When it comes to the end of that service life, the efficiency will drop, and consequently utility bills in summer will rise. Do an analysis of your cooling costs for the past few years. Is there a steady upward trend? Then you may have a failing AC.

FOUR: Repair costs are too high

It’s rare that an air conditioner will escape requiring repairs during its service life. But there’s a point where an AC requires repairs that are expensive enough to make it no longer worthwhile keeping the system; the issues will continue to happen, and a full breakdown is likely. But what counts as too expensive? A good test is to apply the “5000 Rule.” Multiply the age of the air conditioner by the cost of the repair. If the resulting number is more than $5,000, the repair is too costly compared to a replacement. (And the system’s likely to collapse soon anyway.) For example, a $600 repair for a 10-year-old system (600 X 10 = 6000) is too costly, and a $350 repair for a 15-year-old system (350 X 15 = 5250) is also too high. Besides, you’ve already been warned about a 15-year-old air conditioner!

Speak to one of our trained specialists today for an appointment to install a new air conditioner. We have been in business since 1961 and have the experience to get the job done right.

Comfort Flow Heating Serves All of Oregon.

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