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Posts Tagged ‘HVAC Contractor’

Is Installing an Attic Fan Worth It?

Monday, July 6th, 2020

top-view-of-a-spinning-fanWhen summer hits, you want to keep your home as cool as possible, right? Sure, we don’t have the sweltering hot temperatures that they get in other parts of the country here in the Pacific Northwest, but given the contrast in our weather from season to season, summertime can be unbearable without the right home comfort systems in place, and an attic fan is a great home comfort system to consider!

The heat of the summer sun beats down on your roof for hours this time of the year, and your air conditioner has to run longer and longer the hotter it gets in order to meet your desired temperature setting on your thermostat. This essentially means that your AC is working harder than it should have to, and inefficiently so. This will soon reflect in higher energy costs and possibly even premature AC repair needs. But does an attic fan solve this problem?

Yes! Read on to learn how.

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AC Installation: Why It’s Not a DIY Project

Monday, June 8th, 2020

two-technicians-standing-over-outside-ac-unit-with-tool-bagWe’ll start off by saying, we totally get it. The temptation to install your own air conditioner is strong—especially when it will cost you less, right?

But unless it’s a window AC unit or a portable air conditioning system, we really do urge you to reconsider. The fact of the matter is, there are intricate steps involved that can be missed if the installation is not done by a professional, which can lead to catastrophic problems such as refrigerant leaks, inefficient operation, or even a compressor failure.

Overall, AC systems are highly complex, and require trained and experienced professionals to work with. Of course, if you’re shopping for an air conditioner in June, chances are you want to get one before summer starts in earnest. Rushing into a large investment such as this can leave you sacrificing your comfort and efficiency, however. Read on as we outline just why AC installation is not a DIY project.

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